2010年7月7日 星期三


新產品 R+瑞特益百億活菌葉黃素複方膠囊 為市場上首創的 高效益生菌+高抗氧化葉黃素 雙效合一保健食品,每顆膠囊含有超過百億的優質活菌與高單位抗氧化的葉黃素。

本產品嚴選三株高效活性益生菌:Lactobacillus reuteri、Lactobacillus paracasei、Lactobacillus salivarius;其中 L. reuteri 更是由本公司首度推出對於調整體質能力卓越的菌株,功效優於市售同質產品,且經過功效試驗證實優於市面同性質之益生菌,在輔助調整體質與提升對氣候環境改變的適應力有最佳表現!

* 預防退化性視網膜黃斑部病變(AMD)發生
* 減緩白內障發生,保護水晶體
* 保護視網膜
* 治療視網膜色素變性
* 預防心血管疾病、維持肌膚健康
R+瑞特益百億活菌葉黃素複方膠囊 其中的葉黃素可幫助維護好視力、減少疲勞感之外,高效益生菌具有調整體質的能力,可調節生理機能讓您輕鬆面對環境與氣候之改變引起的困擾,並且能夠改變體內菌叢生態、維持腸胃道機能、使排便順暢,促進新陳代謝且幫助健康維持,提供忙碌的現代人最佳的健康選擇!

2010年5月24日 星期一


眾多的胺基酸中,經由研究證實確實可増強體力的胺基酸包括有:纈胺酸Valine、異白胺酸Isoleucine、白胺酸Leucine、精胺酸Arginine等,其主要作用方式為可抑制造成肌肉酸痛的乳酸產生,且具有修復受傷肌肉的効果。目前熱門的BCAA(支鏈胺基酸、Branched-chain amino acids)即是纈胺酸、異白胺酸以及白胺酸三者之結合(建議比例為纈胺酸:異白胺酸:白胺酸=1:1:2),它能夠迅速去除運動產生之疲勞,且更可直接轉變成能量的來源而保持體力,文獻已證實在運動時可增加肌肉之耐受力、可促進肌肉中蛋白質之合成、減少運動時肌肉損傷等功能而廣受注目。


* 纈胺酸 (Valine ; Val)

作用機制:提供運動所需能量、降低運動所產生的疲勞感 其他功能:提供肝養分、幫助燃燒脂肪 (參考文獻 : Pharmacological action of BCAA,J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2001 May;86(5):2136-43)

* 異白胺酸 (Isoleucine;Ile)

作用機制:提供運動所需能量、迅速補充胺基酸及能量(TCA Cycle),抑制乳酸形成、降低運動所產生的疲勞感促進肌肉生長 ; 其他功能: 提供肝養分、幫助燃燒脂肪 (參考文獻 : Pharmacological action of BCAA,J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2001 May;86(5):2136-43 ; Function of BCAA,Amino Acids 2001;20(1):25-34)

* 白胺酸 (Leucine;Leu)

作用機制 : 提供運動所需能量、迅速補充胺基酸及能量(TCA Cycle),抑制乳酸形成、降低運動所產生的疲勞感促進肌肉生長 ; 其他功能:提供肝養分, 幫助脂肪燃燒 (參考文獻 : Branched chain amino acids activate
messenger ribonucleic acid translation regulatory proteins in human skeletalmuscle and glucocorticoids blunt this actions.J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2001 May;86(5):2136-43 ; Control of protein synthesis by amino
acid availability,Curr opin clinnutr metab care 2002 jan:5(1):63)

* 精胺酸 (Arginine ; Arg)

作用機制 : 血管擴張,促進血流量,降血壓, 提昇Nitric oxide (NO) 前驅物、促進胰島素及生長荷爾蒙分泌、降低膽固醇、強化免疫細胞(Macrophage;巨噬細胞)和調節T細胞。 (參考文獻 : Beneficial circulatory effect of L-arginine,Jpn J Pharmacol 1994 OCT;66(2):167-71 ; Metabolic effects of Arginine in a healthy elderly population,JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr 1995 ;19(3):227-30 ; Arginine nutrition and cardiovascular function,J Nutr 2000 Nov;130(11):2626-9)





2010年4月26日 星期一


西元2008年的研究期刊Nutrition Reviews發表臨床研究證實:植物化學成分中的葉黃素與玉米黃素,可減低停經婦女發生白內障之風險與改善患有老年性黃斑部病變(Age-related Macular Degeneration,簡稱AMD)病患之症狀。接著2009年期刊Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition也指出,由食物或營養補充品中攝取的葉黃素與玉米黃素會增加視網膜中黃斑部的黃斑色素濃度,可保護視力、預防視網膜退化以及減低年長者患老年性黃斑部病變之風險

2010年4月19日 星期一



另一研究證實在嬰兒出生前後投與益生菌對於減輕過敏症狀是有助益的!一篇在2003年發表的國際研究期刊報導指出,於嬰兒出生前後投予益生菌種Lactobacillus GG,則在幼兒兩歲前的過敏性濕疹發生率可降低50%,此研究顯示,新生兒持續母親食用特種益生菌對過敏性疾病的預防功效可持續延伸到幼兒期(Lancet 2003; 361: 1869-71)。類似研究結果亦證實,有過敏性疾病家族病史之懷孕媽媽在分娩前24-28天食用Lactobacillus GG。新生兒過敏性濕疹的發生率大大的降低50%(Lancet 2001; 357: 1076-79)。

懷孕的媽咪大多都曾經歷過便秘與孕吐的辛苦階段,益生菌的基本功能是幫助消化、維持消化道機能、使排便順暢等,所以本來就可改善胃腸脹氣與便秘等不適症狀;關於益生菌對於「孕吐」的研究,在2006年Int J Food Microbiol.期刊中所提出:孕吐的最大成因多半是黃體激素所造成。黃體激素對肌肉有「柔軟」的效果,包括胃和腸道的肌肉、使胃排空減緩、胃酸增加… 。而益生菌Lactobacillus salvarius菌株顯示,具有高度耐受胃酸的能力;在胃中不會產生胺化合物質且不會降低胃黏蛋白,具改善因胃不適而衍生的孕吐。


L.reuteri是什麼菌? 具有什麼功能?

Lactobacillus reuteri,中文翻譯為羅伊氏乳桿菌或洛德乳桿菌,亦稱做R菌,此菌可以與哺乳動物或鳥類等動物腸道內共同存在,藉著吸附於人或動物腸道之黏膜,而進行繁殖。亦是少數在成人與嬰兒體內皆可發現到的乳酸菌之一。其實R菌早就存在於許多食品中,例如:牛奶、羊奶、乳製品、發酵製品、麵類製品,而母奶中亦發現此菌之存在,所以我們日常生活中早就與R菌有著密切的接觸。


* 2003年在期刊「The journal of allergy and clinical immunology」中一篇對於異味性皮膚炎病人人體臨床試驗結果顯示:對於皮膚過敏試驗呈現正反應及血清IgE較高的病人,使用L. reuteri 治療其異位性皮膚炎,對病人皮膚問題的改善是有幫助的。
* 在IgE相關之過敏性濕疹潛在性病人服用L. reuteri之臨床預防試驗結果發現:服用L.reuteri益生菌的嬰兒,持續追蹤到2歲,發現其不論是在IgE相關的過敏性濕疹或是上呼吸道過敏症狀的發生皆有較低的風險。
* 在腸胃道症狀及異位性皮膚炎症狀之改善效果(The journal of pediatrics 2004):對於異位性皮膚炎的孩童,服用L. reuteri 可以穩定腸道的屏蔽作用並減少腸胃道的不適症狀。這是因為可以藉由改善腸道黏膜細胞之屏蔽作用而降低會引起異位性皮膚炎之過敏原的致敏性。
* 2007年有研究將L. reuteri與Simethicone(緩解胃脹氣的藥)二者對於嬰兒脹氣問題的改善效果進行比較,結果發現:在哺餵母乳的嬰兒中,持續服用L.reuteri 一週,與Simethicone相比,可有效的改善嬰兒肚腹絞痛的症狀,由此證明,益生菌亦是緩解嬰兒腹痛症狀上方法之ㄧ。

除了上述所提及文獻之外,L. reuteri應用的相當廣泛,舉凡降低膽固醇、抗病原菌、免疫調節等方向都曾被研究過。另外亦有學者證實補充此菌可降低由鏈球菌所引起的蛀牙現象,大大減少鏈球菌危害牙齒的機會,促進牙齒健康。


2010年4月12日 星期一








* 定期清掃居家環境,選用合成纖維、蠶絲製品,避免毛類製品並定期更換寢具。
* 家中最好使用木板床,不要使用彈簧床、椰絲墊、海棉墊、塌塌米、浴巾被、厚的棉被、毛毯、羽毛被等,家中被子可以選擇太空被、涼被或蠶絲被,若無法移除最好使用防蟎床套或防水的塑膠套套上。
* 家中不要使用地毯,可以改用瓷磚、木質地板或塑膠地板。
* 家中不要使用厚重的窗簾,可以改用易清洗的百葉簾或塑膠遮板。
* 家中不要養貓、狗等有毛的動物。
* 打掃時避免揚塵或者在打掃1個小時後才能進入,另外也可以幫過敏症患者帶上口罩。
* 家中擺設以簡單為原則,避免懸掛裝飾品及其他易堆積灰塵的物品,不要使用填充絨毛娃娃,衣服要收拾整齊放入衣櫃內,並關上櫃門。
* 家中不要使用填充類的傢具,使用皮革沙發或木製傢具。








益生菌(Probiotics)來源衍生於希臘語,意為“for life”,是有益於生命之意,最早由Lilly與Stillwell於1965年提出,用以表示某一原生動物產生的物質,可促使另一原生動物生長。後來有學者認為,凡應用在人類或動物,能夠改善腸内微生物相平衡,且有益於宿主之活菌;無論單一或混合菌株,均可視為益生菌 (Huisin‘t Veld and Havenaar 1991)。
依照世界衛生組織(World Health Organization,WHO) 及聯合國糧食及農業組織(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United nations,FAO)的定義:當補充予人類或動物時可藉由增進其腸內菌叢之品質而為宿主帶來助益的單一或數種微生物皆可稱作益生菌;一般常見的的益生菌主要是指乳酸菌和部分酵母菌,其中乳酸桿菌(Lactobacilli)與比菲德氏菌(Bifidobacteria)可視為益生菌的代表。人類使用這些益生菌的歷史非常悠久,故美國食品藥物管理局(Food and Drug Administration,FDA)將之歸類為安全(GRAS,generally regarded as safe)的菌種。

常有人問乳酸菌是益生菌嗎? 益生菌不就是乳酸菌嗎?
其實解單的說乳酸菌是能夠利用碳水化合物(如乳糖)進行發酵產生乳酸的細菌,除產生特殊的風味之外,對人體消化道具有正面的功能。這符合前面提到的在1991年Huisin‘t Veld and Havenaar提出的益生菌觀點,所以乳酸菌是益生菌。但益生菌的範圍不僅限於乳酸菌屬而已,經過科學證實,許多非乳酸菌屬的細菌也都有具有益生菌的功能了

(1)促進維生素合成(Vit B群及Vit K)及酵素產生。

2010年4月7日 星期三


6.必須為一般公認安全(Generally Recognized As Safe,GRAS)之菌株



2010年1月29日 星期五


益生素的研究起源於Gyorgy發現母乳中含有雙歧桿菌增殖因子,又觀察到以母乳哺育的嬰兒與非母乳哺育之嬰兒其腸道中雙歧桿菌的數量有明顯差異,且後者的抵抗力不如前者。1974年美國學者R.E. Parker認為:“益生素”是維持腸道內微生物平衡的微生物或物質。而美國食品與藥品管理局(FDA)把這類產品定義為“可以直接食用的微生物製品”。

2010年1月21日 星期四

Essential Amino Acids

Dietary protein is the main source of amino acids. Amino acids can be used as fuel, but usually more important roles for them are as building blocks for proteins, and as a source of carbon and nitrogen for biosynthesis of other biochemicals.

In the process of digestion, proteins are broken down to free amino acids in the gastrointestinal tract. They are then absorbed and pass into the circulation, and are transported to liver where -NH2 groups are removed by transamination. The resulting alpha-keto acid is then used as fuel, or as a biosynthetic intermediate.

Amino acids are not stored in the body like fats or carbohydrate; there are no specialized cells in the body to maintain a reservoir. Of course, amino acids are ubiquitous, being present in structural proteins, enzymes, transport proteins, etc. Some of these proteins (notably serum albumin) can be degraded under conditions of fasting or starvation, to release free amino acids.

Adult humans are unable to synthesize all twenty amino acids needed for protein synthesis; those which cannot be synthesized and which must then be acquired via the diet are referred to as essential. The ten which the body can synthesize on its own are nonessential.

Essential amino acids are so called not because they are more important to life than the others, but because the body does not synthesize them, making it essential to include them in one's diet in order to obtain them.Eight amino acids are generally regarded as essential for humans: phenylalanine, valine, threonine, tryptophan, isoleucine, methionine, leucine, and lysine.

Digestive System

Élie Metchnikoff, the father of modern immunology, spoke optimistically about the possible health benefits of lactic acid-bacteria (LAB) . For centuries, folklore suggested that fermented dairy products containing live active cultures are healthful. Recent controlled scientific investigation supports these traditional views, suggesting that probiotics are a valuable part of a healthy diet . Research suggests that probiotic bacteria may mediate a variety of health effects through numerous proposed mechanisms . Alleviation of lactose intolerance symptoms and anti-diarrhea effects are the best substantiated effects.

Many types of diarrheal illnesses, with many different causes, disrupt intestinal function. The ability of probiotics to decrease the incidence or duration of certain diarrheal illnesses is perhaps the most substantiated health effect of probiotics. Probiotics can prevent or ameliorate diarrhea through their effects on the immune system. Moreover, probiotics might prevent infection because they compete with pathogenic viruses or bacteria for binding sites on epithelial cells . In the pediatric population, probiotics appear to benefit viral diarrhea, possibly by increasing the antibody secretory IgA and decreasing viral shedding, suggesting an immunological mechanism .
Studies evaluating the effect of probiotics on travelers' diarrhea are equivocal. Travelers' diarrhea (3 times or more) occurs in residents of developed countries after traveling to subtropical and tropical zones. Drinking Lactobacillus GG strain significantly decreased the incidence of diarrhea in travelers. Studies with more reliable results are still needed through appropriate selection of traveling regions .

Inflammatory bowel diseases, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, are serious intestinal disorders that can ultimately necessitate the surgical removal of the colon. The causes of such diseases are unknown, but it has been hypothesized that an intolerance to the normal flora (bacteria) in the gut leads to inflammation and resulting pathology. The role of gut flora in the progression of these diseases has led some researchers to study the impact certain probiotic bacteria might have on maintaining the state of reduced inflammation that occurs during the diseases' remission stages. Several controlled clinical trials have shown that high levels of certain probiotic strains can extend the disease-free remission period.

In general, cancer is caused by mutation or abnormal activation of genes that control cell growth and division. Many processes or exposures can increase the occurrence of abnormal cells,.among them chemical exposures. Cancer-causing chemicals (carcinogens) can be ingested in a normal diet or generated by metabolic activity of microbes that live in the gastrointestinal system. It has been hypothesized that probiotic cultures might decrease the exposure to chemical carcinogens by (a) detoxifying ingested carcinogens; (b) altering the environment of the intestine and thereby decreasing populations or metabolic activities of bacteria that may generate carcinogenic compounds; (c) producing metabolic products (e.g., butyrate) which improve a cell's ability to die when it should die (a process known as apoptosis or programmed cell death); (d) producing compounds that inhibit the growth of tumor cells; or (e) stimulating the immune system to better defend against cancer cell proliferation .
Research suggests that the consumption of probiotic cultures may decrease cancer risk. Researchers testing the effect of the consumption of fermented milks, probiotic bacteria, and components or extracts of bacteria have found :
*A reduction in the incidence of chemically induced tumors in rats.
*A reduction of the activity of fecal enzymes, postulated to play a role in colon cancer in human and animal subjects.
*Degradation of nitrosamines.
*A weakening of mutagenic activity of substances tested in the laboratory.
*Prevention of damage to DNA in certain colonic cells.
*In vitro binding of mutagens by cell wall components of probiotic bacteria.
*Enhancement of immune system functioning.

Woman's health

Probiotics to Maintain Vaginal Health
More than 50 different species of bacteria may live in a woman’s vagina, with lactobacilli being the predominant microorganism found in healthy women. However, many factors can change the vaginal bacterial composition and decrease numbers of healthy lactobacilli including: antibiotics, menopause (or estrogen deficiency), oral contraceptives, spermicides, and/or diabetes.

These lactobacilli produce bacteriocins, hydrogen peroxide, and lactic acid. These substances lower the vaginal pH, which creates a more hostile environment for bacteria other than lactobacilli. If the number of lactobacilli falls off, the resulting increase in pH favors an overgrowth of anaerobic and facultative bacteria, which can develop into vaginitis/vaginosis.

Recently, Ronnquist and colleagues (Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2006;85:726-735.)impregnated panty liners with a particular strain of Lactobacillus plantarum. In women who wore the panty liners for 5 months, Lactobacillus plantarum was found in 86% of labial and 54% of vaginal specimens. The pH of vaginal fluid was much lower (P<0.001)>

Immune system health

Modulation of the gut microflora (populations and activities) and influence on mucosal immunity are mechanisms of probiotic function with potential to broadly influence human physiology . For example, the ability of probiotic bacteria to support the immune system could be important to the elderly or other people with compromised immune function. (It is important that immune compromised individuals ask their doctor before taking any dietary supplement, including probiotics). Much active research focuses on the development of target-specific probiotics containing well-characterized bacteria that are selected for their health-enhancing characteristics. These new probiotics are entering the marketplace in the form of nutritional supplements and functional foods, such as yogurt products .

Allergy is on the rise in industrialized nations. It is estimated that the incidence of asthma in the United States doubled between 1980 and 2000. Some hypothesis suggests that the exposure of infants to microbes before the age of six months helps the immune system mature to better tolerate allergens later in life .

increasing exposure to microbes must be done safely. This hypothesis led researchers in Finland to conduct a study evaluating the effects of a Lactobacillus strain on incidence of atopic eczema in 132 infants at high risk of developing eczema. The study was double-blinded and placebo-controlled. Pregnant mothers two-to-four weeks before delivery and newborn babies through six months of age were given Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG. Infants were followed through two years of age and incidence of recurring atopic eczema was recorded. The study reported a 50% drop in incidence of recurring atopic eczema in the group receiving the probiotic supplement. A follow up study of these same children indicated that these trends were still present at four years of age. These results suggest that exposure to the right types of microbes early in life may decrease allergy risk .


Nonessential Amino Acids

Non essential amino acids are amino acids that can be produced in our body. Their uses and functions in our body are equally as important as the limiting amino acids. The difference is that those kind of amino acids can be found in our food.


 合生寡糖 Synthetic oligosaccharides
 半乳寡糖 Galacto-oligosaccharide
 果寡糖 Fructo-oligosaccharide
 異麥芽寡糖 Isomalto-oligosaccharide
 寡糖粉 Oligosaccharide powder
 維持腸道中菌相的平衡,提供有益菌生長之養份
 促進腸道蠕動,維持身體健康
 低熱量、無負擔
 安全、無副作用:美國、日本、韓國及台灣,都將寡糖列為『食品級』